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Course Number Credits Course Title
ANS 815 3 Advanced Topics in Reproduction and Development
    Core concepts in animal reproduction and development. Recent advances relevant to animal and human fertility, development, and diseases
BMB 802 3 Metabolic Regulation and Signal Transduction
    Molecular basis for metabolic regulation. Molecular signalling mechanisms and mechanisms for allosteric and covalent protein modifications.
BMB 803 2 Protein Structure and Function
    Protein structure and relationship of function to structure. Applications of kinetic methods to elucidation of enzyme mechanisms and regulation. Offered first ten weeks of semester.
BMB 805 3 Protein Structure, Design, and Mechanism
    Protein architecture, dynamics, folding, stability, and evolution. Conformational changes, ligand binding, and kinetics. Elucidation of enzyme mechanisms.
BMB 864 3 Plant Specialized Metabolism
    Specialized metabolism unique to photosynthetic organisms including aspects of nitrogen and sulfate assimilation and essential amino acid synthesis relevant to specialized metabolism, vitamin synthesis, mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-terpenoid synthesis, synthesis of phenylpropanoids and other aromatic compounds and synthesis of various alkaloids.
BME 870 3 Stem Cell Engineering
    Topics will include a historical revision of stem cell research over the last decades, basic developmental biology and developmental signaling pathways, cell reprogramming, stem cell engineering approaches for translational applications, and novel strategies and reviews of current literature. A significant part of the course will consist of active discussions of seminal contributions to recent scientific literature. Topics covered will include basic concepts of developmental biology, stem cell biology and cell signaling, stem cell microenvironment, concepts of tissue engineering, stem cell engineering: modeling human tissues with stem cells, repairing tissues with stem cells, stem cell editing, cell reprogramming, stem cell-based cancer therapeutics
BME 891 3 Selected Topics in Biomedical Engineering
    Topic: Molecular Image of Living Subjects. Molecular imaging is a maturing field that allows us to visualize, characterize, and quantify biological processes non-invasively within living subjects, including patients, from tissue down to subcellular scales. The course will cover: i) the design, development, and application of imaging probes that interrogate molecular and cellular characteristics of disease states, including nanomaterials; ii) instrument and software technologies for key molecular imaging modalities involving both mature (MRI, PET, CT, SPECT, optical, and ultrasound) and especially emerging (MPI, photoacoustics) modalities, including basic image reconstruction and image data quantification; and iii) applications of the probes and imaging modalities to detect and quantify disease states, including use of multi-modality imaging, and other applications of molecular imaging in medicine such as prediction of, or response to, immunotherapy.
CMSE 890 3 Special Topics in Computational Mathmatics, Science and Engineering
    "Communications, Teamwork, Ethics and Leadership training for Multidisciplinary Research Teams” . Please email the CMSE Academic Program Coordinator at cmsegrad@msu.edu if you need an override.
CSS 941 3 Quantitative Genetics in Plant Breeding
    Theoretical and genetic basis of statistical analysis of quantitative traits using genetic markers. Computational tools for the study of quantitative traits.
FOR 875 3 R Programming for Data Science
    Programming in R and use of associated open source tools. Addressing practical issues in documenting workflow, data management, and scientific computing.
IBIO 855 3 Molecular Evolution: Principles and Techniques
    Current techniques used to characterize and compare genes and genomes. Genetic variation, assays of variation. Data analysis and computer use to conduct a phylogenetic analysis to compare organisms and infer relationships.
MMG 813 3 Molecular Virology
    Molecular nature and biochemistry of replication of animal viruses. Current advances, research concepts, and the role of viruses in molecular biology research.
NEU 804 3 Molecular and Developmental Neurobiology
    Nervous system specific gene transcription and translation. Maturation, degeneration, plasticity, and repair in the nervous system.
NEU 841 3 Medical Neuroscience
    Detailed survey of nervous system structure and function with an emphasis on medical applications.
NSC 837 3 Confocal Microscopy
    Confocal imaging, theory and practice. Optics, lasers, light paths for transmission, florescence and reflection imaging. Advanced techniques including Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), spectral imaging, laser capture and two-photon microscopy.
PHM 816 3 Integrative Toxicology: Mechanisms, Pathology and Regulation
    Biochemical, molecular, and physiological mechanisms of toxicology. Functional and pathological responses of major organ systems to chemical insult. Mechanisms of mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and reproductive toxicology. Concepts in risk and safety assessment.
PHM 827 4 Physiology and Pharmacology of Excitable Cells
    Function of neurons and muscle at the cellular level: membrane biophysics and potentials, synaptic transmission, sensory nervous system function.
PHM 830 3 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
    Practical application of statistical principles to the design of experiments and analysis of experimental data in pharmacology, toxicology, and related biomedical sciences.
PLB 812 3 Principles and Applications of Plant Genomics
    Foundations, principles, and applications of genome sequencing, genome analysis, expression profiling, and systems biology with respect to plant biology.
PLB 856 3 Plant Molecular and Omic Biology
    Advanced genetics and molecular biology of higher plants.
PSL 813 3 Molecular Mechanism of Human Disease and Targeted Therapies
    Mechanisms and pathways underlying human disease and therapeutic strategies.
PSL 828 3 Cellular and Integrative Physiology I
    Cellular physiology as basis for understanding integrative functions of various body systems, including nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, muscle and kidney.
STT464 3 Statistics for Biologists
    Biological random variables. Estimation of population parameters. Testing hypotheses. Linear correlation and regression. Analyses of counted and measured data to compare several biological groups including contingency tables and analysis of variance.